Kamis, 01 Oktober 2015

How to enable .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 8 in Offline Mode

cara untuk instalasi .net framework manual alias offline mode, pastikan punya dvd/ source windows
lalu ikuti langkah langkahnya seperti di bawah 

selesai.. kebayang kan bila install nya online bisa disedot quota internet.

sumber https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2785188

Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015

Membuat sendiri panel system mainboard

berikut cara membuat panel system untuk komputer yang tidak menggunakan casing:

1.siapkan buku manual mainboard cari halaman system panel
2. 1 buah connector header disesuaikan dengan pin connector pada mainboard
3. 2 buah led yang akan digunakan sebagai lampu indikator Power dan HDD
4. 2 buah button digital yang akan digunakan sebagai tombol Power dan Reset
5. persiapan lainnya seperti biasa timah dan solder

kerjakan dengan hati-hati unutk pemasangan led karena terdapat polaritas kaki positif dan negatif,
gambar dibawah menunjukan konektor system panel yang sudah siap digunakan

setelah itu pasang pada mainboard ingat jangan sampai terbalik
cek lagi posisi atau biasanya ada penanda pada mainboard
nah sekarang kamu sudah bisa menghidupkan komputer tanpa harus colok obeng ke system panel.

Title test

Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2014

Command Line Job/timer "at"

 Perhatikan baris perintah dibawah ini:

pada baris pertama timer diset jam 20:00 selanjutnya akan menjalankan perintah mematikan komputer list timer/job yang sudah kita seting bisa terlihat dengan mengetik "at" seperti pada baris dua, bila ingin membatalkan timer/job maka lakukan baris perintah seperti pada baris ketiga. selamat mencoba

Rabu, 23 April 2014

Add Your Yahoo Account to Outlook 2013 Using IMAP settings

Open Outlook 2013 and go to File tab.
yahoo Outlook 2013 Image1
Then, just above the Account Settings button, click Add Account.
yahoo Outlook 2013 Image2
Select Manual setup or additional server types.
yahoo Outlook 2013 Image3
Then in Choose service select POP or IMAP
yahoo Outlook 2013 Image4
Add your user information and for server information,
Account type: IMAP
Incoming mail server: imap.mail.yahoo.com
Outgoing mail server (SMTP): smtp.mail.yahoo.com
Then add your logon information as below.
yahoo Outlook 2013 Image5
Go to More settings and select the Outgoing server tab.
Check box next to My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication and select the radio button next to Use same settings as my incoming mail server.
yahoo Outlook 2013 Image6
In the same window go to the Advanced tab and verify the following.
Incoming server (IMAP): 993 or 143
Incoming server encrypted connection: SSL
Outgoing server (SMTP): 25 or 465
Outgoing server encrypted connection: TLS
Click OK when finished.
yahoo Outlook 2013 Image7
Click Next.
If you've entered everything correctly, both tasks will be completed successfully and you can close the window and again click Next.
yahoo Outlook 2013 Image8
You'll get You're all set! message,
Click Finish.
yahoo Outlook 2013 Image9
And now you can check your emails through Outlook.
yahoo Outlook 2013 Image10

Selasa, 22 April 2014

PowerShell SMTP

# Required parameters
$smtpServer # SMTP server hostname / IP address
$emailFrom # Sender (some SMTP servers require a valid local address)
$emailRcpt # Recipient (comma seperated if multiple)
$emailSubject # Email subject line
$msgBody # Email body
$FilePath # Path to attachment file
$domain  # Network domain
$username # Network username
$password # Network password
# Create required objects...
$smtp = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient -arg $smtpServer
$msg = New-Object Net.Mail.MailMessage
$attach = New-Object Net.Mail.Attachment($FilePath)
$cred = new-object System.net.networkCredential
# Populate mail message...
$msg.From = $emailFrom
$msg.Subject = $emailSubject
$msg.IsBodyHTML = $true
$msg.Body = $msgBody
# Provide credentials to SMTP client
$cred.domain = "the domain you want"
$cred.userName = "username"
$cred.password = "password"
$smtp.credentials = $cred
# Send...

Sabtu, 01 Februari 2014

ExtJS Save Chart

Save Chart/convert to image

tbar: [

        text: 'Save Chart',
        handler: function () {
            Ext.MessageBox.confirm('Confirm Download', 'Would you like to download the chart as an image?',
                function (choice) {
                    if (choice == 'yes') {
                            type: 'image/png'